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The Product
TIMESCAPES HISTORY MAPS are digital map files created and distributed in the open-source .kml (‘Keyhole Markup Language’) file format.
They are designed and intended to work solely with Google’s free software Google Earth Pro (desktop version).
Please note the following:
Timescapes products are not guaranteed to work with any other software which may or may not be compatible with the .kml format. Timescapes makes no claim of the products’ compatibility with any software, platform or system other than Google Earth Pro.
Timescapes map files will not work with Google Earth Web, their web version of Google Earth.
Timescapes products are designed and intended to work solely with Apple Mac desktop computers running Mac OS software and PC desktop computers running Windows sofware (OS and Windows versions as specified by Google here: https://www.google.co.uk/earth/download/gep/agree.html).
Timescapes products are not designed or intended to work with any other device or platform, e.g. mobile phones, tablets, notebooks etc. Timescapes bears no responsibility for failure of its products to work correctly on anything other than the two platforms specified at beginning of this paragraph.
Determining the compatibility of user’s equipment with Timescapes products is the sole responsibility of the user. Timescapes bears no responsibility for failure of its products to work correctly on equipment that does not meet the system compatibility requirements of Google Earth Pro as set out by Google here: https://www.google.co.uk/earth/download/gep/agree.html
Timescapes is an independent product and is not owned by, attached to, affiliated with, or endorsed by Google or Google Earth Pro. All mentions of Google and Google Earth Pro in the Timescapes documentation are to merely in order to illustrate its suitability as a platform for the use of Timescapes map files.